
The idea for BGorg was conceived many years ago and has been online live since January 31, 2021. It has undergone its latest changes since then.

What Does The Name Mean?

BGorg is the acronym of Big and Global Organization - more information on the page "About us".

What Are The Features That Make BGorg Different?
Besides offering a clean and friendly online atmosphere, BGorg has some very unique features and functions such as: Democratic
Algorithm, Interaction Bartering Approach, Transparent Function Use, Mutual Growth Principle, Founding Members Incentive and many others. More about features at "About" page.

Is it Free to Join and Use BGorg?
Yes, it is completely free, and will always be free to join and use BGorg.

Why Should I Join BGorg?

Besides being part of a newly flourishing social network, you can also make use of the above unique BGorg features which will provide you a different social networking experience an dopportunities.
Also, first 2000 members will be considered as Founding Members, and will have some extra privileges over the regular members.

How Do I Join BGorg?

Joining BGorg is very fast and easy, just in two quick and simple steps:

1-Just fill the short register form on homepage.
2-Enter the captcha code, click register, and that's it!.
Where Do I Find People To Follow?

As soon as you completed the registration and join the network, you will see other users under "Friend Suggestions" section.
Choose people to follow according to your insterests.

How Will Other People Find and Follow Me?
Just like you find new people under " Friend Suggestions " section, so too, your profile will be displayed there, to the like minded people who might follow you.
BGorg Democratic Algorithm and Mutual Growth Principle make sure that all members grow together. Remember to post regularly to gain the highest attention.

How Do I Change/Update My Profile Info?
To change or update your profile info, go to your profile, click on "Edit Profile", and make any change and update in the openning screen. Remember to save after every change or update.

How Do I Change My Profile and Cover Pictures?

To change or update your profile and cover picture, go to your profile, click on Edit Profile, then click on Profile Images, then click on profile or cover picture to change or upload a new one.

What Are the Best Sizes for Profile and Cover Pictures?
For best practices across all the different devices, use the following sizes for your profile and cover pictures:
Profile picture size should be 180 x 180 pixels. Cover picture size can be around 820 x 312 pixels.

How Long is the Profile Description Text?

Profile description text is 160 caharacters.

How Many Characters Are Allowed in a Post Text?
Post texts are allowed to have up to 2000 characters. But the shorter the better.

Can I Add Images, Videos and Places to my Posts?
Yes, you can add all these, plus much more to your posts.

Can I Add Hashtags to my Posts?
Yes you can add hashtags to your posts. But please use this feature a bit wisely and don't fill your posts with needles hashtags.
Generally speaking, the ideal number of hashtags to be used in a post should be less than 20, for the best performance.

How Can I Get Extra Help and Support If I Need to?

If you are having a problem other than the questions here, please go and read "Contact and Support" section, and then contact us. Remember, we are always here to help you!
